
Showing posts from 2019

What it was like being best friends with Kelsey

Cherish every moment you have with someone, cause you’ll remember them forever. When we were little we used to call each other and talk about Dora. We would hang out all the time, and leave food trails for her dog Katie to follow. We used to go to the ocean all the time, every year with our families. When we got older we didn’t always hand out as much as we used too. But we always knew we were there for each other. when we got into high school we could put in an application to get into the tech school in our district. we both chose cosmetology, I remember the day we got our acceptance letters, we were both on the phone with each other. we were both really surprised that we both got in. so that is when we got to see each other everyday at school and honestly I felt like we were getting closer. we sat with each other at lunch we sat next to each other in the class room. she even surprised me with a ocean city trip because I was going through a hard time. I will forever hold those memorie...

Why I don't use instagram?

I don't use instagram due to girl drama. I used to get bullied throughout middle and the beginning high school. Social media can be a good or bad. I mean its good when you use it in a positive way. But other than that it can be bad. Due to people saying mean things because they are behind a screen but won't say it to your face. But that is a reason that I no longer have instagram, but I do miss it sometimes. I know youtube is social media and so is snapchat and quiet frankly so is this blog. But I have learned in the past few years how to handle bullying and how to stand up for myself. But since I don't have instagram I could use my blog as my "instagram" if you know what I mean. Please let me know if you would like to see more pictures of me on my blog. I love taking pictures of friends and with friends so yeah just let me know in the comments if you want me to post pictures on my blog.

Why I started youtube!

Hey guys, welcome back! Today is kinda going to be a little different. I want to talk about everything related to my youtube and why i started it. I started youtube to have videos and memories on what I did to be able to go and look back on. Luckily I had Vlogs with Kelsey in them, which I had said on my last blog post. I love sharing my life online, being able to have others relate to me, I love blogging and sitting down in front of a camera, I love everything about it.  I post every Friday at 6 PM EST, so you know when my next videos are going to be. I started my channel December 26th 2017, so I have been on youtube for a little over a year now. Youtube helped me through a lot and helps me to keep my mind off of things. Im hoping that blogging can help me too. On my channel I have many school vlogs, holiday Vlogs, and even sit down videos. Youtube is something im passionate about and im so glad that I started it. I honestly wished I started earlier. If you guys want to start a yo...

Get to know me!

Hi, My name is Taylor. I have decided to create this blog as a coping mecanism to help me get through this tough time. A few months ago I lost my best friend to suicide. I grew up with her from the day we were born, two days apart.We went on family vacations, had hundreds of sleepovers, we were each others back bone. It sucks that suicide took her from her family and friends. I do not blame her because I have depression and anxiety too, and I have tried committing suicide before. I decided to make this blog to help other people, I want my blog to be a safe place for anyone that needs it. If you are going through something and need to talk to someone. You should. Even if its me, someone you don't know. Suicide is not the answer. Suicide is passing pain onto everyone that loves you. I don't want my blog to be depressing, but instead a place we can all come together and be as positive as we can. I want it to be somewhere I can put my thoughts down, and let people know they aren...