What it was like being best friends with Kelsey
Cherish every moment you have with someone, cause you’ll remember them forever. When we were little we used to call each other and talk about Dora. We would hang out all the time, and leave food trails for her dog Katie to follow. We used to go to the ocean all the time, every year with our families. When we got older we didn’t always hand out as much as we used too. But we always knew we were there for each other. when we got into high school we could put in an application to get into the tech school in our district. we both chose cosmetology, I remember the day we got our acceptance letters, we were both on the phone with each other. we were both really surprised that we both got in. so that is when we got to see each other everyday at school and honestly I felt like we were getting closer. we sat with each other at lunch we sat next to each other in the class room. she even surprised me with a ocean city trip because I was going through a hard time. I will forever hold those memorie...